Friday, December 15, 2006

Just For Hannah Lyn

Here you go Han - some of the most lovely photos I have. Enjoy - This is dedicated entirely to you! Love you.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Huge Sigh...

Well, I haven't had a holiday since our family went down south for Rach's wedding last January so I am ecstatic to say - I am nearly on HOLIDAYS!!! I'm really looking forward to sleep-ins, an absence of 1 hour train rides and lovely long road trips to the beach. I will take 3 blissful weeks off (apart from 2 working days) from the 16th December until the 5th of January so if you would like to catch up with me just let me know!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Award: Funny Thing Of The Day

Han, my (little?) sister and I often share funny stories. Random things that we see or hear throughout the day. It's great to be on the look out for anything we can report back to each other and to keep each other amused. Sometimes, if nothing particulary humourous happens - I need to tell a moderately mundane thing in an interesting way in the hope of getting a few laughs! Today the award was given early.

Who: Male construction worker

Time: 8:25am Peak Hour

Location: Anzac Square Brisbane City

Song: "You make me feel like a natural woman"

Octave: High

Key: A little off the mark

It's amazing what you can see and hear when you take the time to notice. The world is a funny funny place. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Scrap Booking Love

Okay, so it is the most girlie hobby you can possibly think of but... I love it! There's nothing quite like sifting through all the old photo albums with your sisters and mum and reminiscing about the "good old days." Life was simpler back then (22 years ago!) Dress - ups; pet rabbits; mud-pits in the sand-pit, cabbage patch dolls; concerts for visitors; 6,7,8 and 9 tapes (thanks ABC); happy pants; fluro hyper-colour t-shirts; chasing the rabbits when they got out; tarpoline water slides; bunk beds... Ahhhh!
So, I love combining all the photos with masses and masses of pretty paper, cut-outs, stamps, ribbon, neat writing and double-sided tape - Oh, the joy of it all!!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Wouldn't it be nice if the church was a place to fellowship, serve each other and to praise God? Well, most of the time it is! Unfortunately, our church is going through a major crisis at the moment and we need prayer. Please pray for the people causing the hurt, the pastors (my Dad and Rob), the people in all 3 congregations of the parish and the Lutheran Church of Australia.

I must say, that it is in these difficult times that we have really felt the love and support of many of the members of the church community and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has given this support to dad and our family. Thank you thank you thank you.

I am a sinner. I am weak and I make plenty of mistakes but it really makes me dispaopinted when people who claim Jesus as their Saviour blemish his name. I believe in forgiveness but I also believe in the words of James - "hearing the word without putting it into practice is useless." I am tired of people being turned away from the church because of the church. Wouldn't it be nice if people tried a little harder to love their neighbours, speak the truth and walk in the light.

Please - Don't be turned away when you see others make mistakes, chances are, you have made a few of your own!