Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sadquay to Shunum Jany

Chamanma, to khailly khailly khob bachaya. Sadquay to shunum. Tashakur - DU years!!!! Boobkhshi archii problems. Chaman - Jes - Yuk dil. (Dil to pagal hai!!!) Boobkhshi khailly bada hazaragi. To khob she e, sherin e, qand e janyman e.
To everyone else - Yesterday Chaman and I celebrated 2 years of our relationship. Happy days!

1 comment:

Rachel Esther said...

i don't know if Chaman understands that - but's it's pretty impressive! (I still stumble of English!) Congratulations on two years. That's no small feat you have accomplished! say hi to Cha Cha for me!
