Monday, May 28, 2007

Long Awaited!

YES! I am still in the blogging game! (When I have a chance) I will try to let you know what's been going on. In the last couple of weeks I have moved house and started a new job so it's been crazy. Loving the new job and the house is nice but still wanting to move in with friends. Not much time to look for a place though.
Hopefully I will have more time later to let you know what I'm up to. Generally I am happy. Oh, and I FINALLY did my driving test last week. I got my licence first go! Wooooo hoooooo!
More later.


Lyn said...

you got your licence, that is so cool!! Well done Jes,so good to hear you'rre enjoying the job, do you get to do much driving? Mum said you have a work car!! Only 5 & a half weeks and I will be up there, love you xo

Jocelyn said...

Hey Jes...

I kinda lost your email address, well, that is, if I ever had it, but wanted to see how you're going and this is the only way I could remember contacting you! My email is, would love to hear from ya!

God bless,