Thursday, January 25, 2007

Australian's All Let us Rejoice

Kenny, (the infamous toilet man) used to think that the words to our anthem were: "Australians all let us ring Joyce, for she is young and free..." RUDE!

Anyway we're not all young... and we're not ever all free BUT we should rejoice anyway!

It makes me sad when people grumble about our lovely country. It's just so nice!

We have the fluffiest animals, the whitest beaches, the nicest people, the weirdest humour, the best cricket team, the cleanest cities, the prettiest reef, the lowest unemployment, the largest outback, the most sheep, the only vegimite and the prettiest girls!


Eat pavlova

Play cricket

Burn the sausages

Put on your thongs

Go to the beach


Lyn said...

Here here Jes!!! Except I'm a bit far away to go to the beach and I'm not supposed to eat sugar, so guess the pav's out, but I'll have a good go at the rest, love always, Lynnie

Lyn said...

Hey Jes, me again, just wanted to give you my blog address........... Hope to hear from you soon, love you lots, Lynnie